On K-Pop

Beast... the name's suitable with their influence's attributes.


What a day! Earlier this morning I forced myself to do some workouts (as to gain more shape weight and burn fat). Hey, thin people have fats too, you know. To tell you the truth, I've never imagined that I can overcome my excessive hatred towards workout and ended up jogging around Tasik Permaisuri. Kinda cool, with other joggers jogged along with me. And at places, I could see groups of humans doing their taichi, yoga and aerobic. Multicultural assemblage, that's what attracted me most. I love you, Malaysia.

I managed to do two laps:- well- quite an achievement for a workout-phobic like me. Eh somehow, I felt so wonderful after the activity. Feel so refreshed! InshaAllah, inshaAllah... I will be doing this again, maybe once a week (Saturday). Or more often. I'm planning of doing indoor workouts like pumping or squad jump or something. Jogging might add a little bit of a magic, so yeah. If you're interested of joining me, then you're most welcomed.

Actually, I've long planned to write something about K-Pop. Last year, K-Pop was my subject of discussion for our Bahasa Melayu practical class and I did manage to carry out the talk. Thanks to my group members; I could've not done it without you guys. Mmuahh!


Once, Korea rocked the world with their tanks during one of the biggest tank battle in the world. With their strict Communist dogma, they're still one of the most mysterious, yet the most feared nuke power. Their warheads can destroy Japan, China and America in no time (this is what I have learned from History Channel). As their fearsome reputation began to slip away from their hands (due to some changes in several countries' policies), the world had thought that they'll never overrule us again. No freakin' way.

About thirty years later, the assumption proved futile. Look around you, friends. They DID colonize the world again, somehow. This time, they're using aestheticism, musics and hedonism. In this evermore global society, weaponry is highly subjected as being extremely dangerous and those who try to make use of it will be convicted. Maybe they'd thought this and moved into a much softer way of colonization. But the methodology isn't quite as weak.

From experience

The first time I watched Korean stuff was about four, five years ago. It was a film which was filled with many humanistic values and I was pretty much, attracted to it. Since, I watched plenty of Korean films, but was still not interested in their songs, choreography. Not even their stars.

From time to time, Korean entertainment programmes grew broader and deeper into our society. You wouldn't find a guy with long pony hair, dyed in golden scheme five years ago. But now, finding guys with black hair is like searching for a needle in a haystack. In less than half a decade, Koreanism fluctuated exponentially, engulfing other entertainment genres with their monstrous silhouette. Well, is it bad?
What have you guys done to yourself?

For me personally, I kinda hate K-Pop. I'm not a bigot, I've got reasons for it. First thing's first: it flushed our society in a deep, murky pool of hedonism. Our people, especially the teenagers begin to look life as something that should constantly be enjoyed with scumbag Korean songs and posters. They waste money, energy and most importantly their youth era to something that doesn't give even a cent to us back. UGH!

Secondly, the fate of our artists. To be honest, I'm a big hater of hedonism. It includes our artists, too, with nasheed and some good-to-learn songs as exceptions. So, backing up our stars is an awkward thing for me to do. But then, thinking about how much more valuable it is for them to rise against some pinkish, suave-looking men, I'd be with them. Seconds after K-Pop set its foot upon this land, our local music industry plunged in total darkness. The profit that our artists used to get receded into an unprecedented scale (P Ramlee would be very sad to know this). K-Pop almost directly destroyed our artists' "periuk nasi" (forgot the term).

Lastly, there's a moral issue. As we all know, Korean prefer short dresses over the much longer ones (a bit baffling here. Since they live in cooler environment, I think they should cover themselves more than we do). Like mice being lured by Jack the Pipe-blower, our youths do the same. Well, it's funny you know, seeing a tanned Malayan wears a short and tight outfit. He/she looks like... -I don't know. Anyhow, it looks hilarious. Not to mention the dye that he/she applies on his/her hair. Oh come on guys, gold (dye) and dark brown (Malayan typical skin) doesn't go along. About the short dress; I think it needs no elaboration. Consult ustaz or your religious figures to verify the hukum of following trend that's incoherent to our religious concept.

There're plenty more reasons of why I choose to sit in opposition to Koreanism, of which, I'm not bothered to write. I'm afraid what I have wrote is already a TL; DR essay. I'm not saying that K-Pop doesn't bring any good to us. It does contribute to the uprising competence of our artists. K-Pop also succeeded in modernising our world view and provides alternative to be chosen instead of black metal, emo and Gothic-orientated genres. Yes, it has quite a number of advantages. But if we were to compare them to the disadvantages, it's like comparing a cat to a tiger. It doesn't worth that much.
OMG... cute kan?? Kan?? Kannn????? *muntah belinjo*

K-Pop doesn't just change us. But it has also destroyed our tradition, albeit the effect is still untraceable. I give two instances: combing hair and listening to our unique ethnic songs. Just turn around man, and you'll see things as such happen all the time. I don't urge for any boycotting or demonstration, no more than I ask us to think: where do we put our own dignity, tradition, identity and pride nowaday? Ah hell, I'm no scholar. I'm just a concerned Malayan.
"Sven, Super Junior's premièring!"
Okay guys, need to go (running to television. Yo, 'Super Junior' is on air).


Mawaddah Aufa said…
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Sven Medyona said…
When you take people's judgements as as your measuring scale, you'll never be yourself. Anyway, just do it. It'll be so much fun than sitting quietly in your room.
Mawaddah Aufa said…
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zudien said…
LOL...think too much...
Mawaddah Aufa said…
Sorry to said that I wrote a hatred entry on my blog...:'(
Sven Medyona said…
Kenapa tiba-tiba sedih? Saya salah cakapkah?
Mawaddah Aufa said…
No, buddy... Just personal problem of my own...

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