Sinarnya, Lain (II)


*tarik nafas dalam-dalam*

Waah, amannya awal pagi harini. Lepas solat Subuh, bukak lappy kakak (I hate my lappy, it's half alive) dan dengar lagu nyanyian Vitas. Saya ndatau inikah namanya kemaruk muzikal, but it does seem so scary and haunting. Gah. Lemahnya anak Adam yang ini, tidak macam ayahnya (Nabi Adam A.S). Ayahnya, empat puluh tahun hidup sendiri di dunia tanpa teman; boleh pulak survive. But then, that doesn't have anything to do with fanaticism, so quit degrading me.

Sambung penulisan

Hahaha *tears almost falling*. I had a long conversation with my subject in one of my entries. It really did bring back memories to me and motivated me to write even more about my past life. You see, experience and memories: don't ever try to erase them, even the bad ones. You'd never know where and when their values applicable. 

My principle about life, is: learn from mistakes, not running away from it. That's a coward's attribute. Nevertheless, I think we should get straight to the original purpose of this entry, that is; writing the sequel about Wawan (I hope he doesn't mind I call him by nickname). The first entry can be read here.

Suatu hari...

Hari yang paling saya ndakkan lupa apabila bercakap mengenai lelaki hebat ini adalah ketika dalam semester akhir, Tingkatan Empat. Masa tu, peperiksaan was damn on the corner. Akmal yang caring datang ketuk bilik saya, ajak study group in Wawan's room (TF17). Saya dengan semangat Mark Anthony ingin menawan Cleopatra angguk setuju. Mau tercabut kepala dari badan, anggukan kuat sangat (-.-' just... ignore him). Hahaha.

Ingatkah lagi, wanita anggun ini?
Saya siapkan segalanya yang kamu boleh fikirkan untuk sebuah perbincangan akademik yang baik. Sepeket Milo, buku Addmath, kalkulator, kertas kosong, peralatan menulis; segalanyalah! Lepas semua persediaan nampak sempurna, kami dengan jiwa segagah jiwa Sir Edmund Hillary menawan Everest mendaki anak-anak tangga ke tingkat paling atas blok asrama kami.

As we arrived, Wawan accepted us with his usual, warm smile. He instantly- without ever being told to- took his and his roommate's mattresses and spread them on the floor. That way, we can discuss things whilst rejoicing ourselves on that soft, tender fabric (I'm being un-sarcastic. See what happened next). As Wawan was preparing his drink, Akmal and I began to open our books. And the next thing was so blur...

Your cute ex-roommate. And look at the date! LOL
"Yassin, bangun!", Wawan jerit. Hahaha. Saya tertidur (tanpa bebeng yach!)(ehh jap, kamu taukah apa tu bebeng? nvm LOOL). Kurang asam, macamana saya boleh tertidur. Buku Addmath masih luas terbentang, putih kemilau dilimpah lampu kalimantang koridor. Warden memang pantang lampu bilik hidup lepas prep. Jadinya, kami ambil alternatif, menghadap ke pintu bilik, bukak ia luas-luas supaya cahaya lampu koridor boleh masuk dan baru ulangkaji (adakah ini bukti kreativiti atau petanda lambat ulang kaji). Kadang-kadang, slot belajar boleh bertukar jadi slot 'Alam Angker'. Bila warden lalu, hmph- samada pura-pura tidur atau menekunkan mata ke buku.

"YASSIN, BANGUNN!! LAWAN MENGANTUKK!!". Hahaha. Wawan kejut lagi, sambil hulur se-mug Milo suruh saya tumpukan pada buku. Idea sebenar datang ke biliknya bukan tidur, tapi belajar namun saya memang ndak boleh lawan seruan alam. Apalagi malam tu sajuk-saaaaaajuk. Memang sedap eh tidur (dengan tilam yang suam, jangan harap saya boleh bertahan lama untuk belajar LOL). It's simply against my rule and nature (menyalahkan selain diri).

Anyway, I did woke up. At the time I managed to summon bits of me and stayed awake, all- Wawan and Akmal- had already went into the state of dreaming. Gahh. I was alone, doing my revision. I was in 'mamai' status, so I couldn't focus at all onto the subject I was covering (typical Yassin). Glimpses of people passing by the opened door chickened me. Stories of past students being haunted by spirits inundated my consciousness (okay, this is too dramatic. We'll cut this one off). Hahaha.

LMAO. Onar di surau.
Dan peperiksaan semester akhir pun muncul dengan wajah serupa Bush ketika mengisukan perisytiharan perang ke atas Saddam Hussien. Saya takut, takut sangat-sangat. Subjek Sains (Fizik, Biologi, Kimia), Bahasa (Inggeris, Melayu) boleh lagi. Bila datang masa Matematik Tambahan, I had all my hairs shed. Saya lingkup habis Matematik Tambahan dan gagal peperiksaan akhir. Telefon ibu dan beritahu hal sebenar dan dia hanya tegur. Balasan SMSnya lebih banyak motivasi (and of course by that, I passed the repeat examination).

Kembali kepada cerita Wawan, dia cemerlang dengan pointer yang tinggi. Saya ndakla cemburu gila, sebab pertamanya; berdasarkan usaha, dia layak dan kedua; berdasarkan kepintaran, dia patut. Bukan mau buat kontroversi sini, OK? Hanya untuk menyebut fakta sebenar. Oleh kerana itu, dia masuk kelas Zamrud (nerdiest class) dan saya dapat kelas Berlian (un-nerdiest class). Kalau dulu semeja (masa Tingkatan Empat), sekarang sudah tiada. Dalam kelas saya, tiada Aza, tiada Shafwan dan tiada Wawan. Apapun, hubungan persahabatan masih rapat.

Kawan saya yang lain yang sporting dan supporting.
The thing I like about befriending Wawan (so as Shafwan, Yan and Aza) is, they're not the kind of people who measure relationship in accordance to ingeniousness and intellect level. And being a fool who breathed among 'em, I felt comfortable all the time. Their absolute humbleness, which- I guess- emanates from their sincerity of befriending really is like a warm blanket. Never did I feel alienated by them.

Bila dapat tau saya gagal, Wawan memotivasikan saya, macam BFF lain akan buat bila buddy mereka menghadapi saat-saat getir. Masa tulah, saya boleh menghakimi mana kawan baik dan mana kawan jahat (duh! Tiada istilah kawan jahat bha). Namun begitu, saya ndalah mengharapkan sangat seseorang akan datang mengetuk pintu bilik saya dan menawarkan tunjuk ajar.

Some of my friends did do that, whilst some began to look me lowly, as if I'm a criminal. But Wawan was still on the very same stance; he helped me to rectify my weaknesses for the upcoming repeat test. About solutions to some puzzling questions, or whatnot. Hitherto, he's still being the same Wawan I used to know. Else're changing dramatically.

Pernah pergi CP

These two... they're simply adorable (not physically, but spiritually XD. Kidding).
In case you didn't know this fact Wawan, you and Akmal were the only people who had managed to persuade me (until I want) to go outing (aside going for prime dinner and outing with homeroommates) during my life in MRSM. Remember the time when you brought us to your sweet house? I frankly couldn't remember the colour and the smell of your house's paint, but I still do remember about the uprooted mango tree in front of it and the voice of your brother, enjoying himself with his karaoke activity. I still can remember the faces of your family members (esp. your mother) as they invited me in. And I still could recall it very well, the moment you served us with nasi lemak. Oh, how unforgettable.

Saya agak, kau ingat jugak bagaimana semasa berada di dalam kereta ayah kau, merentasi jalan raya Kinarut, radio terpasang pada stesen Klasik Nasional, dan saya menikmati semua lagu yang didendangkan di sepanjang perjalanan menuju ke kedai gunting rambut. karganya RM8.00, dan guntingan saya siap awal dari kau. Bagaimana saya menunggu guntingan rambut kau siap degan menonton television sembilan belas inci yang terpasang di kedai gunting rambut tu. Tidak silap, program yang tersiar masa tu adalah, 'Race Against Nature'.

"If you want to see how successful a man is, ask him about his past. If he can narrate it well, then he is.

"Ajarkan aku cara untuk lupa kisah lepas, kerana yang lepas itu lepas, dan yang depan itu akan datang. Oh, sebentar- jangan! Mustahil aku bisa membina tengah jambatan tanpa melihat kekukuhan pangkal yang terbina di belakang."

Lepas tu, kau mintak ayah kau turunkan kita di 'Centerpoint', shopping mall yang ada logo berlian besar pada namanya. Saya tengah cari deodorant masa tu. We enjoyed nasi ayam that I spent you guys and pancakes that you spent us upon. Perisa coklat neh. Untuk kebanyakan waktu kita di sana, kita duduk-duduk jaa, perhatikan gelagat orang ramai yang bersesak-sesak dengan tujuan masing-masing. Hahaha.

See? It's hard to stop myself from remembering all the times I've spent with you (and Akmal, of course), more than I could to delete those memories off my cognitive system. Either ways, I' insisting to treasure all the times I cherished with you during our golden years in MRSM *wiping tears, smiling*.

Ahh, we've grown far too fast, I think.


PICTURE #1 : Of course I still remember her! She's such a loving and determined mother I've ever seen on Earth! :D

PICTURE #2 : Nampak muka Apip then compare with the date, trus on the spot aku tebayang muka PM kita yang dulu dulu dengan songkok menyenget! Hahaha. "APIIIIIIIIP~ Minta IKKO~ *forever favorite cookies!*"

PICTURE #3 : Oh god, that surau... Now I am happened to remember the moment when I miss it so much, and feel terribly wasted if I couldn't attend the ceramah/tazkirah and the moment of ignorance of mine when I neglected it in the past... :(

Btw, let's see the faces in this picta carefully. Count how many people smile with their teeth showed. LOL. Well, here's another. Senyuman colgate tu beselang seli ni! Hahaha! SO EPIC!


PICTURE #5 : We were born that way so adorable! Hahaha! Urgh, mau makan nasi lemak dan minum milkty tea di Yoyo... *craving!*

PICTURE #6 : Saya nampak TF1 dari sini! TF 17 ndak nampak. wuhuhuhu

PICTURE #7 : Mana ada! Hehehe!

Yaaaaaa-siiiiiin~ It's very thoughtful of you to write such thing(s) bout mehhh. But I can see that there are lot of exaggerations on that! (ain't mad, but. I. feel. so. lame. HAHA) No, I just don't feel like I deserved to have such honor... (feeling inferior lol) But again, I don't own your fingers, let alone your handsome brain, so yeah :)

I should someday write something bout us! Tee-hee. I'm wondering when will the moment I can enjoy sipping coffee/hot milo while writing such story. :/

P/S - "At that moment, I swear we're infinite." - quoted

Be safe, buddy! :D
Sven Medyona said…
PICTURE #1 : Ma luvly Biology momma

PICTURE #2 : IKKO~couldn't find it anywhere. Mana jugak dia beli tu?

PICTURE #3 : same story here, dude. Saya pernah escaped qiamullail sebab mau tengok wayang. Now, how evil's that?

Hahaha. Didn't realize that until you mention it. I wonder why you and me refused to smile LOOOL

PICTURE #4 : Hehe. Prep pagi, dekat SPM. Kesedaran masih kurang time tu, sempat ah bergambar sakan.

PICTURE #5 : Ah, Yoyo. Pearl or no, either way, nothing taste better than a glass of it *one chocolate pearl, comin' right up!*

PICTURE #6 : Hehehe. Saya ada dekat seribu gambar dalam satu memori kad. Malang, sangat malang... hilang neh memory card tu :(

PICTURE #7 : Teasing again.

Waaawaaaaann~sincerely, everything I wrote (and I will write) came from the deepest part of my heart. Saya ikhlas dan jujur (hey, adakah orang ikhlas cakap dia ikhlas??). Akan tulis pasal Sharynol pulak, lepas tu Shafwan.

This is the least that I could do to appreciate those sweet memories I had in MRSM.

I'm not anticipating any writing dedicated for me, in a sense of response to this long entry. Not that you mentioned it, I WILL WAIT.


"When it comes to friendship, they're probably right. It's the ONLY ship that can't sink"- quoted
If that so, I'll be looking forward for your writing(s) on them (both Yan and Sapwan) hohoho. You sure got a lot of stories!

So yeah. Cherish-every-moment-back-then-in-MJSC-KoKi Mode : FULLY ACTIVATED. lol!
Sven Medyona said…

You have my words, and I have yours :)

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