On Forgiveness


"Forgive, and thou shalt be forgiven."
Some says, forgiveness is the biggest word in the world. It contains the most exclusive, extraordinary meaning which gives the most extraordinary effect(s) to both the giver and the accepter. Albeit forgiveness is the most important it is perhaps, the hardest word to be uttered and be given, too.

When I toiled my mind to think of an object to describe what forgiveness is, the only thing I could've imagined is water. Pristine, clean and clear flowing water;  like of any natural and unpolluted river. It purifies souls, and satisfies human's daily need of a little comfort for and from another. Just like the crystal clear water, forgiveness is a sacred matter that can clean all sorts of illness(es) that you may have in your heart. Deep in your heart.

I always wonder why humans found it to be difficult to forgive others. As if they'll missing one limb should they give it. Un-forgiveness won't change anything dude, instead, studies from well known places like Duke University, University of Tennessee, Stanford University have stated that forgiveness will have indirect effects towards your physical vitality, as it regards emotional issue. The Stanford Forgiveness Project even declared that forgiveness can increase our productivity by 24%, and decrease our physical stress down by 23%.

And un-forgiveness won't undone the mistakes people have done to you. It'll make the relationship you have with those whose  faults is on you to fall into much deeper, critical state. Give the mistaken person a second chance, or third, or fifth. Never reject the forgiveness one begs because you won't exactly know when will you have to do the same.

Imagine if all Earthlings know how to forgive... a man forgives her wife and a wife forgives her husband. A teacher forgives his students and a student ask his teacher's forgiveness. Ain't life feel much better, then? Just remember the golden rules: respect others as though they're you. And always guide people, if any mistake is to be done.

In this materialistic world, it seems that forgiveness equals only to money. Or maybe it has no value at all, people just ignore it as the most powerful tool to fight any prejudice and misunderstanding. In this almost secular-engulfed miraged world, forgiving is ironically reciprocal and as hard as asking forgiveness. 

The question is: why? Why don't we just forgive, and ask forgiveness? Ah, may God Guide us, always :)


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