Results Must Be Equally Laid With Efforts, Not Hope


This is my very first post of the day, and many more will be posted later (I hear sighs). Lets just hope somehow God gives the other four authors the strength to fill something in this blog. It's so quiet, quite recently. Anyway, just wanna blabber something anonymous today, so yeah (this entry had correlation with the former entry I wrote).


My last semester result. Didn't go as expected, but it's okay :)
(ZJ and NadJoliey scored far better)

Admit it, everything that we do is based upon certain results. No matter how big or how small the price is, we're apt to sacrifice anything probable in order to get the result we really want. Humans would even go to the measure of sacrificing themselves or others, just so the hoped ending will finally be achieved. And this seemingly transcendental nature of us will forever be fuelled by motivation.

Motivation however, is somehow abstract, objectively subjective and odd to others. For instance, some people may even find their pets as motivations, or their loved ones, as sole propellers of their struggle. Talking about personalities as motivators, it's then all about emotions: love, hatred, disgust, irritation, anger and the needs of vengeance. These are all the fuels of our move. Therefore, there's no harm in having negative emotions. It's the usage that matters.

Going back to the original topic, results I think should not be hoped upon God's mercy alone, without any effort whatsoever. God Himself proclaims in His Book that "only those who will to change will change". This is God's Law, if not unfairness will happen everywhere (I hate myself when the very same situation happens to me, where I do nothing and am hoping for a great result. Ugh!). Results, whatever it is, should be hung upon our efforts, pray and not solely hope and the motivation that we subscribe as our innate. 

If you're a Muslim, this may help to sum things up simpler: even the Prophet Muhammad Habibullah SAW struggled with blood and sweat in order to achieve the divine aspiration he received from God. He even went to the extent of sacrificing all his energy, properties, his family members and closest Sahabah. Just imagine, he's the closest to the God, and yet still, he had to work hard to have the result he had anticipated. By then, what about us, whose standard is far lower than Prophet Muhammad SAW? 


NadJoliey said…
Sy takut. . . Sy nda tau patut ka sy cakap, jadi sy diam2 ja la.

Oh, sy nda yakin mau post sini. GAGA. Sebab penulisan kamu suma far better. Menyelit2 ja sy.
Sven Medyona said…
!? Di sini kita amalkan freedom of speech. Jadi, cakaplah. :[

Hahaha. sebagai peminat kipas-susah-mati entri kau, saya ketawa neh. Ada pulak, saya rasa macam saya tu understatement pulak.
NadJoliey said…
Nda la, sy simpan ja. Lama2 sikit bila sy rasa selesa baru sy cakap. :')

Gahhh. Seriously, my writing suckkk. Ko neh, cuba baca balik bah entri2 ko. Mesti ko kekaguman sendiri. Haha.
zudien said…
Dua2 gemo...humble
zudien said…
Dua2 gemo...humble
Sven Medyona said…
NadJoliey: Hurmm~apa lagi rahsia kau kasi tapuk neh? BTW, bila kau punya flight (malas mau tanya dengan SMS)?

Zudien: Booo~ ahahahaha XD
NadJoliey said…
Dinn: Literally!!! ARGHH! Naik gila2 berat!!!!!!!

Yassin: Adalaaa.. Muahaha. Nanti start kelas, sy ajar ko cara send sms lagi. Haha. 1hb.. Patut sy beli 3hb punya ooh! Murah neh. Ko?
Sven Medyona said…
NadJoliey: 1hb jugak, malam. Dengan Sifu Bugis dan Aizat. Mungkin bermalam di LCCT nanti.
Suster Fyza said…
hebat2.. tahniah. tp aku xfhm napa ada gred B. aku rsa yg mark paper korg tu xfhm nilai penulisan sebenar. dont feel bad. yakin pd dri!
Sven Medyona said…
Ahahaha. Ada pulak :)

Thanks anyway. Tapi berdasarkan apa yang saya usahakan, result tu memang rahmat yang sangat besar.
NadJoliey said…
Woahh.. Sy ambil flight petang.

Sokong Suster Fyza (Myiihiiii!)

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