On Being Naive As A Child I Was :)


Beforehand, thanks to NadJoliey for your beautiful entry. I always found that kind of posts as being very inspiring and enjoyable. To tell you the truth, I enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed Hazel (GAH! Hazel has gone now. Don't ask why and where). Anyway, tonight I want to share something about naiveness.


My own term of naive persons is someone who has less sensitivity towards him or herself. You know, when people are making fool of them, they will laugh heartily with almost a blunt hint of feeling disgraced as ironically a disgusting response. Or when you say thing metaphorically, they take it in a literal sense, often, a bit too serious. They're not dumb neither kind of lagged. They're so not retarded, despite their mysteriously funny attitude (what a long definition =.=").

Every human was once a nonsensical boy/girl. They're retarded in terms of experience, filled with ravenous inquiry and seldom had their imagination under control. What made them cute was the indifferent towards thing, mostly due to the naiveness. They easily saw something as rather impossible or possible, right until the elders cancelled their conjuration. Just observe the kids when something happens in opposition to what they believe, they'll go =O (hey don't lie, you were there once). Watching how they react is probably the best thing you can get from a kid #pedobear 

Naive people are often unique and alluring. It's rare to see they sigh or sulk, as a result of their insensitivity. Happy-go-lucky, friendly, down to earth and cute are some of their attributes (no wonder NadJoliey call me naive XD). And the most adorable thing about them is when you allege them as being naive, they'll start to go "No wayyyy!!! I'm not naive", in an indifferent countenance.

I missed times like this
Undergoing a transition towards being grown-up, it's no more possible for me to be as guiltless and as innocence as who I was before, during my childhood. The old folks never scolded us whenever we did something childish like playing 'London bridge' in the rain or consuming  waterless Milo. Try doing it now, and you'll get spanks in no time. Huhahuha.

My envy towards children as they enjoy themselves naively is indispensable. They can do almost anything, learn almost everything without having any debate deep within. Never be undecided, always in motion. They don't have to feel guilty for all the failures they do and instead, they'll get new school bag as an incentive. A motivational booster. And using the very same premise, I respect them. They have mountains of confidence in expressing themselves; they cry, laugh or even show their dissatisfaction in public without no restriction. Instead of being glanced in annoyance, people will utter, "Oh, how adorable!". Ugh.

At times, I want to go back to the one I was before. Not to mend my failures and mistakes, but somehow to experience them once again, as a nearly emotionless boy. The day I could coil myself in my father's cuddle, and always felt safe and secured, is day that I long so much now. Or perhaps the moment I whined, and my mom came to me, giving me her heavenly kiss in my forehead. Singing lullaby whilst patting my back in her  embrace until I fall asleep in the warmth of my mother's body that she radiates. God, how I missed those good times ...


NadJoliey said…
LOL. Panjang juga maksud naif ko. Haha. Lebih kurang laa.

Ehem, kind of. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHHHAHHAHA! Nanti tulis d entri pasal ko. Malu sy mau post. Seriussssss.
Sven Medyona said…
Ah, mana sama! Ahahaha XD

"Kind of"?? Apa maksud worh?

Uits, kau pernah janji bha dulukan? Bha, kasi cepat itu posting. Ahahaha. Anyway, take your time, as long as you need it.
NadJoliey said…
LOL. Yalah. Ko olah paling mantap, haha.

Kind of... Adalah... Haha. Nda bleh kestau. Nanti ko perasan.

Mimanggg. I willll. Nantikan ja laa.

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