On Connection


Living as a human, one just can't get away with the constant bear necessity of being able to share problems with someone else. The desire is so real, none can really argue about this. In Islam, we call this bond as 'silatur rahim', which means 'the bond of love'. As for me, I couldn't imagine where would I be without people who I can call as brothers/sisters/parents.

Islam restricts the degradation of ukhwah, in fact this kind of act may cause one to be thrown to hell (well, for some time, before they can be released and go to heaven). To deepen the negativity, you will also be paid earlier, in your life. Like being isolated, live lifelessly, in poverty and if rich; in total loneliness. From my experience, to live alone is the hardest thing to deal with, given that I have used to live in crowds.

That's why in Islam (that I understand) the sufism act of submission isn't recommended. The logic of this restriction can be seen as it will cause you to be further apart from the rest of the ummah. If we are to delve into this deeply, there are many hadith and Qur`anic verses that can be found to suggest that such doing as wrong, of which I'm not really into.

Observing the nature, ants have got to be the best exemplary community in manifesting the true meaning of brotherhood. They hunt for food together in a beautiful rows, never breaks apart. They fight big animal until it dies or they, themselves die. None has been recorded to have died from an ant's bite, but that doesn't stop them from biting humans once their nest is disturbed.
Ants. They're mediocre for an astounding exemplary.
Glancing at the magical strength of ants' connection towards one another really sometimes tickles me. It's so ironic:- we, whom being announced as the best beings in Surah At-Tiin, with well-functioned brain couldn't do the very same magic (at least, be at the equal level). Most of the time, we point others for others' mistakes, making defamations, slandering and even go to the extent of killing one another in the name of God. God doesn't permit this misdoing.

Maybe we should bend our head to the ground we're standing and watch. Watch how ants build their humongous nest, despite their minuscule size. Albeit their timid strength and very limited scope movement and most importantly; brainless, they can do things humans couldn't do very well. Observing and learning form nature; hey, that's the original intention of this world, anyway.


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