Eiffel Tower Is Where Cupids Have Their Convention


When was y last 'in-English' post I couldn't remember. But something tickled me to write now, about my dream girl. It's kinda funny how I wish I first meet my bride. Let us start with me taking a flight to Paris.

That evening

I was caressing my lens when I unintentionally glanced the Eiffel which towers over the panorama of Paris. The lights were turned on, orangish sunset began to dominate the whole scene and as I was waiting for it, I quickly stuff in all my things; camera, phone, lenses and wallet into my backpack. I sprinted down the brickfields  and alleys. I bumped with several things and people, and it took me around fifteen minutes to get to the tower from my flat by running. Not long after, I realized I was with no footwear. Laughing to myself.

Then, I started to take a few shots around this beautiful metal convention. Since I was alone, I did all sorts of cam-whoristic poses when this fair, beautiful lady with brunette hair walked towards me. She was smiling and spread her hands. "Would you like to be helped?". And guys; this girl is beautiful. This is what she took:
I was petrified. She then handed me back my camera and returned to her friends (I think) while laughing. But I know it was not an insulting laugh, somehow I do. I walked back to my temporary settlement, performing prayers, having dinner and all; with her face constantly haunted me. I could not sleep; the misery to wait for another accidental bump-into was a nightmare.

The next morning

I woke up and took a quick bath. I grabbed my stuff and having performed prayer, I jumped into my shoes and again- running. But this time, it was not for Eiffel Tower, but for love. Hahaha. And guess what? I met her strolling alone around the tower in blue gown plus a beautiful hat. She greeted me first, and offered me a handshake. I declined and she understood.

I asked for a pose or two, and she willed it like she never did before. She posed before of my lense genuinely and my camera seemed to like her. Quitting camwhoring, we walked side by side and it turned out that she is one of the curators of the tower. It was just that, she does not like to walking around in a serious uniform.
Her name was Anna du Matoire
I planned to only stay for a week, but she made me stayed a week longer. I did not do anything foolish and so did she, she respected my religion. At the end of my tour, I proposed her and although she refused it softly out of un-readiness, she promised that she will wait for me, after she finishes her Master degree in History. Ah, History... no one is sexier that historians.

Hahahaha. Pray that this will happen, please. By the way, her Muslim name is: Nur Aina du Matoire.


Han Neesa said…

if the picture is anything to go by, she is beautiful. fingers crossed for you :D
Sven Medyona said…
Again, one can only wish. And pray. And struggle hard. Hahaha

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