
It's unbelievably wondrous to think how we're envying someone, without realizing that he/she is envying us even more, at the same time. I mean, our abilities and disabilities are constituents that build us. That make us, what and who we are today. 

It's not all the way wrong to be jealous upon someone's achievement. It only turns wrong when it changes into hatred, disgust and vengeance. These trio are up-to-no-goods, so why the heck do we have to keep them in our heart? Let the people be what they want themselves to be. Let them with their prodigal qualities. In the mean time, you, become yourself. Do not- I repeat- do not try to change who you are.

Reality it is, to think that we're just a bag of scum. Worth nothing to others. It turns out (and it'll always turn this way), if we are to be absentee, someone out there, somewhere will sometimes-in their life-miss us. Don't be so discouraged by people's notions. The more they dislike you, the more they'll long your existence.

God is the solution
Sincerely, I am the saddest person when it comes to being burdened by life and all miseries that happen to have been contained by the former. But trust in God and all the possibilities of Him doing that for my darn sake, I wipe my tears. I whisper to myself, "Yassin, God's here. Ask Him ease and patience." Our belief system may differ, but lets just reconcile that and go to the basic of God's existence.

If you're truly a blessed man who thinks he has everything in life as he wants it (I mean, being grateful), you'll never have to suffer the agony of being envious. You'd always feel comfortable, nice and contented by God's side. He is the Best Place to seek help, by the way. He may not answer it directly, but you'll feel His Presence and Love, and hereby I ask you: what more would you ask?


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