Film Review: 'The Avengers' (2012)

Guess who's on Labour Day?

Gah. Enough with these witty political mumblings. Lets get back to the old days of a teen named Sven Medyona; a medium guy for Tawau. In this very entry, I will make a review about the movie which I've watched just now (with my room-mate and Anuar. Thanks for inviting me). 'The Avengers', a movie that has been rumoured to be the best insofar. Anyway, move along to critiques slot.

I went with Wira and Anuar. I was originally cancelled my plan, as none want to go with me. But then, a warm invitation came from the most unexpected; and I full-heartedly accepted it. Declining would mean total loss. So we went to Times Square, bought some refreshments and walked like a boss to our respective seats.
Natasha Romanoff. Taylor Swift lookalike.
I swear- I felt I sat there more as a critic rather than a spectator. I could sense that white screen, which was spread vertically before me and the other few tens of viewers, cringed as I impaled it with my critical sight. This might be too complex of a reading. And hey! Who deleted the 'Canadian Pizza' ads?

After spending two hours sitting there, gobbling popcorn (there is a legend that says, 50% of the popcorn will be finished during the ads. I wonder why they call it legend, as it is frigging true!) and sipping a considerable amount of two-spoons-sugar beverage, this is my comment. Joss Wheddon, you might be as well, taking notes. Ahahaha XP

"Hey, is that a catfish, I see?"
"Nope. Prolly  Onimusha's Oni Clan"
If you're a loyal reader of my blogs, you may know the aspects that I use in judging a film (read here). Goosebumps effect, adrenaline rush, unpredictability, cultural effect, audio effect and visual effect. I'm not going to explain in details, but to just summarize the whole film in several, mixed-up paragraphs. In before, please go away if you're a TL;DR guy. This post is long as hell.

Straight to the point
All women's adore. Good leadership, ripped body, charismatic and charming; which women wouldn't admire?

When people told me about how great the movie is, I was pretty much, anticipated. I hoped for something fresh and vibrant to both eyes and ears, a movie that may open a portal between me-part of the reality-with fantasy. I was expecting a transition from where I sat to the world known only by the 2Ds. Yet again, I failed to experience so. Still didn't get the point?

I don't know. There's something in 'Flipped', 'Mr Magorium's Wonder Emporium', 'When I Turned Nine' and 'Real Steel' (for the least) that 'The Avengers' doesn't have. First, I thought maybe because of the reality, for superheroes are more to fantasy than reality. Maybe because of this, I failed to grasp the feeling, or it failed to capture my emotion. Either or both ways.

But then, there was also a barren thought of mine, being an Orientalist watching a pro-Western film. I noticed that; from the first second to the last word spoken, there was an incessant amount of cultural promotion (acculturation, perhaps) of American hegemony. I mean; I was waiting for Ultraseven to come. And where are Ultraman, Gokuu, Badang (wow, against Hulk??), Robocop, Masked Riders, Lava Kids (LUL), Keluangman and Tiongman? Agagaga~purely, they love not this planet??
I'm particularly for this man. He's got the best archery skills so might be a good teacher to me.

Did you guy notice Nick Fury said, "You declared war upon us"?. Who's this us? United States (US)? Or was it us in the sense of global realization? Damnation for a courageous attempt of ignoring us, the Asians and the rest of the continents. As a man of values, neglecting major value like cosmopolitanism is a big mistake. I discredited this movie for this. And I can only forgive it if the "us" means US. That'll be great. I'll join the Chitauri.

Perhaps it  is the lack of goosebumps effect that caused this film to be inferior than Korean, 'When I Turned Nine'. When I watched 'Real Steel', I could feel how thunderous my veins were. But watching 'The Avengers', the only thunders were ears-splatting, earth-shaking  sound effects, which are quite good. I enjoyed them, whilst frowning at the movie's X-factor lacking. I was almost untouched by humanitarianism  (because it wasn't there).

Visual effects, and adrenaline punches were massive and many, of course. For an action movie, it'd be an utter disgrace to lack these two. 'The Avengers' seems to have thereof in an unbelievable quantity. So much that I was thinking of making an escapade from the cinema, fearing that the said might cause it to crumble (what an exaggerated comment). Well, proceed.
A plus point for this movie is the way heroes acted. So real and untamed. Thick visual description about their unique roles and characteristics, which is why this movie becomes a success. Captain America (John Evans) with his leadership, Natasha Romanoff (Scarlett Johansson) with her ninjutsu-like stamina and agility, and Thor (Chris Hemsworth) with his arrogance of a man from the sky were all wonderful. Not to forget, The Hulk (Mark Rufallo), Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson), Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner); the hilarious Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.) and psychotic-megalomaniac Loki (Tom Hiddleston) were also members who had been doing monumental contributions to the paramount success of this film.

And to add to that, the hilariousness is another wonderful achievement. A new breathtaking perspective, a new era of how we [should] see superheroes. They're not machine, they're all humans (except Thor. Sorry dude) and by that, they aren't all serious. They can/do laugh. It's undeniable success in reducing this movie's impracticality. Nice alternative, I must say. Another score for Joss Wheddon.
Chill, dude.
The end though, happened just as how public predicted it, thus lessening the unpredictability. This is an advantage, in fact, it is a good going in satisfying the audience. The producer/director maybe was trying to say, "Hey, these superheroes are accessible to all". Empathy, it is. Nice going in manipulating Earthlings' sentiment.

Last critique: I'm not a movie-maker nor having any mandate to criticize, but I do understand that when you're making a movie, make sure that it'll cause the audience to say, "Oh, don't end yet." And I could hear heavy sighs behind, once the movie reached its ultima. Good job, oh producer and director.

A sociopathic intergalactic man. Love his visionary attitude, though.
It'd be a whole lot better if they incorporated global movements (imagine Ultraman was there. Gosh) and create a sustainable cosmopolitan union. People from China want their superheroes being invited aboard, so much as Malaysians want their Badang and Hang Tuah being trustfully assigned for the Earth-saving task. Well, it might cost a lot, I know. It's only a recommendation.

Secondly, the hilariousness; keep this damn good thing up. Inject some more of it, in the next sequels (given, there are). I really like this humanely approach. As a man who always loves laughing, I really shed tears of laughter at places. And this value alone, which always haunts me to give additional score to the movie rating; is a wonderful undertaking.

So, Sven Medyona's judgement gives this movie, 7.0/10. You passed with flying colours of Asgard.
Martyred. "So, that's what it does" were his last words XD

P/S: Sorry for commenting in English. I can't fight this urge.


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