Oh, The Dream


It must have been two months eh, since I last posted something in this petty looking blog of mine in English. Been learning the meanings of  'clandestine', 'beat around the bush' and stuff. New vocabularies a day, keep your English denigration away. Ugh, who am I to say things like these?


Alhamdulillah, despite the laziness to drag my "fat" body to it, I somehow made my way to a theses    presentation held in the Lecture Hall. You bet I am inspired... I truly am. Been imagining myself on that same spot, holding a microphone and of course- some serious statistics, premises and whatnot. I care less those numbers; I just want to have that doctorate prefix before my name. Not to be lionized, actually. I just... feel like having it. InshaAllah.

All the more I would want to be a bit more serious. In pursuit of my happiness and dreams, I really should be getting warmed up. When I voiced out my dream of becoming a man with Master degree in Sociology, my mom made this indirect approval, by saying, "Buat pengesahan jawatan. Lepas tuu, kejarlah apa kau mahu" (It does not sound good in English, so, to GoogleTranslate you should). Anyway, after hearing her saying that, I asked for no more.

My dream is simply this: completing my Master, pursuing my Doctorate and presenting my thesis in Bordeaux, France. It sounds somewhat far-fetched. How can a guy from this rural town, have such or any capability of achieving so? I wander this, too. We shall wait for what future holds for me. In the mean time, I am still trying as hard as I could to make life more meaningful.

The short theses presentation distracted me away from my non-preference (not dislike) towards education, teaching and the tensions caused by both. I must stop saving my midnight oil and start lighting it up. Somewhere in the darkness of realm of distant future, I hear myself crying to be found. It might be that only by this way, I would soon find out who I really am.


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