Pangkor: Refleksi


Tahniah buat semua peserta Bina Insan Guru (BIG) sesi 2011, gabungan TESL dan Sains. Betul cakap salah-seorang pembentang refleksi, bila linguistik digabung bersama dengan fakta-fakta saintifik yang bernas, memang da bomb. Serius terbaik. 

Sedikit refleksi (sikit jaa...)

Saya ndatau macamana mau menunjukkan penghargaan saya kepada semua jurulatih yang telah membimbing kami sepanjang kursus BIG berlangsung. Dr Ramlan dengan kehebatan beliau memberi motivasi, Puan Sapiah dengan tunjuk ajar water confident-nya, Mr Ghana dengan kata-kata yang sangat tinggi darjatnya pada saya; and not to forget; Puan Saroja yang memasak selama empat hari kami di sana. Habis berjelaga dia. Hahaha.

Kepada Ustaz yang memberi tazkirah yang melekap dalam hati, Tuan Zamri yang selalu memberi panduan dalam melaksanakan tugas saya sebagai AJK Peralatan & Logistik. Kepada Puan Siti Rapiah atas bimbingan GERKO serta Komandan Kem, Tuan AB . Rahim kerana beliau ajar saya cara ikat simpul pencuri dan tindih kasih. And that 'bukan tindih kekasih' joke. Ahahahaha~STOP!

Jujur- bukan pensyarah yang memainkan peranan majoriti dalam keindahan memoribilia Pangkor (Bogak) saya, tapi kawan-kawan, baik TESlians maupun Sains sendiri. Banyak sokongan dan dorongan saya dapat, menguatkan diri saya untuk berdiri pada kaki sendiri (ayat Kak Shu). And the most important lesson: everyone has what it needs to speak in front and everybody has something to be spoken. Seriously, feeling punggung terangkat-angkat antara mahu atau tidak memang detik desisif. Once you can overcome that sense of horror, even an atom's size; you'll  have the whole world listening to you. So, talk!

Saya ikut bahas ala parlimen juga dalam BIG kali neh. Wa cakap lu, memang rasa gementar sebab sudahlah ini first time berbahas secara formal, duduk sebaris dengan penghujah petah bicara dan paling kick, berdepan dengan Akhi Razvi yang kita tau wakil debat negeri Sabah. Ulang: wakil negeri. Gila tak gila (gemo Fadhli. Bila saya ke belakang, baru tau dia pendebat negeri Melaka).

Untuk aktiviti fizikal, nothing much to say. Just mau point out Mr Ghana's words of wisdom: "You've never expected to come here, but then, you're here! ... sometmes, it needs someone else to see your potential,". Beliau memang jurulatih yang bukan setakat mengajar memahamkan, tetapi turut menjadi inspirasi. And from me;
The first time I set I foot on Bogak's sand, I wasn't expecting anything. But after all the LDKs, physical activities and a lot of informal adventure along the white, sandy beach, I whispered to myself: "Boy, you should've expected more"


Mawaddah Aufa said…
saw you keep trying to get up during refleksi...
Sven Medyona said…
Hahaha. I thought of giving others the chance to stand, seriously. That's why I kept turning back whenever the microphone wasn't in anyone's possession.

Kalau sudah tiada yang mau berdiri, saya akan berdiri =)
Mawaddah Aufa said…
It's hard for me to talk in front of other people.. I'm shaking at that moment. They said that I was really bad at it.The worst one ever. After BIG, I feel like I'm lost. Don't know where to go. Don't know what to do. I was told that I should forget about the things that I do know. You know... every single day I wanted to smash my dslr, my guitar, my violin. They said that I should be like everyone else. Be normal. At one point, I even think to cut my hand so that it would leave scars. I hate myself so much right now... Why can I be like everyone else... :'(
Sven Medyona said…
They can go to hell with their mockeries. Nemesis, be strong. Don't be easily shaken with people's thoughts. You're strong. And far better than them.

And yeah; what/who is this 'they'? Is it something existing or is it just your imaginary negative self? Why are you giving it so much authority over yourself?

Sister, you're one of us. And being one, you shouldn't necessarily be something similar to them. For me, you're doing fine as a friend (except the fact that I always divert myself away from you. Hahaha)

E.N.J.O.Y God gives us life to enjoy while at the same time, doing good and execute all His Commands.
Mawaddah Aufa said…
They really exist. They have the authority. I dont want to be kicked out for some reasons.

I know you always did that. The sudden change in course. However, i dont think you need me any more. You're doing fine with other Teslian. They really like you. You're great friend to them. Compare to myself, they are better friends.

Let's pretend we never knew each other. Pretend that this is just a dream.

I'm sorry for being a bad friend to you...
Sven Medyona said…
What do you mean by, 'they have authority'? Over what? You!?

Sister, I have one rule in being someone's friend: I'll stay or they'll go. And even if they're going away, I'll chase. So yeah. You've become my close friend. We'll stay that way.

The other TESLians... I treat you and them both as equals. None exceeds other. THE VERY SAME. So; no 'they are better than myself'. That's just... rubbish.

"Let's pretend we never knew each other", huh? Doesn't that mean lying to ourselves. Come on Nemesis, you're not that bad.

(speechless; sighing)

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