War Against The World


World is like an ocean. Super salty ocean. And we are one thirsty sailor, lost in the confusion between the ocean and the sky, as both reflect each other. The urge to drink it (to quench your thirst) is lust, or nafs, whereas the heart to not doing so is faith, or iman. Pray that our iman is stronger than our nafs, or we will be the victim of a much deeper thirst. And subsequently die.

I am a victim of a constant - I'd say, timeless - struggle between wanting and achieving. I want to always have myself completed, perfected with all the necessary things I should have in order to access the Heaven; but always get blocked by worldly wanting. I don't want all these, I just want a deep slumber and an awakening in Heaven.

I'm in need of company (??)

I always have deep empathy upon myself. I have no friends to listen to what I have to say. And what I mean a friend who listens, I mean this one guy/gal whom I would have no worry and fear to share my worldly sufferings with. One who shares the same sentiment as mine; desiring quick escapade off this world. I used to have several, now I have none. I did try sharing my thoughts and feelings with these strangers I have all around me, but they care less. Or this is what I think.

I am a happy guy. Almost all the time. But when times like this happen, I'll be the quietest man; writing blogs, reading others' comments in Facebook, reviewing the latest men's fashions and et cetera. I may be lying on the floor, thinking of the things I have done, and should have done and mourn. I swear, my life is empty.   Even my descriptive mind couldn't help it.

I drank too much this world. Now I have to pay the price. Bending over my laptop, overlooking the past and craning the future, arranging the sentences and acting as if I'm finally relieved. May God save you guys from the fate I'm having through. Amen.


Fara Musa said…
Funny... whenever I try to talk to you now, you would always avoid me. It hurts me yet, you seem to not to care..
Anonymous said…
when the right time comes, then i'll tell you why.

- yassin
Anonymous said…
...Sorry klu x tunjuk sgt, but I care. Seriously.
Sven Medyona said…
siapapun kau, anonymous 15:26, saya sayang kau. berbuallah sekali-sekala dengan saya :)
Anonymous said…
Hey, lebih KERAP berbanding just 'sekali sekala' okay! Cuma, yahh.. Kalau ko x selesa bercerita, sy biar ko ambil masa [bergantung pada mood, ada masa sy eager sgt akan paksa ko cakap juga]. Just, learned my lesson. Jara.

P/S: Haha, by now, ko tau lah siapa anon ni. Sorry la kalau ko imagine orang lain. HAHA.
Sven Medyona said…
still couldn't know you. tapi ndapalah.

anyhow, although not equally, i love all my friends who appreciate me.
hetty said…
Hello strangers. How are you? (Will this work?) :P

"Dan ingat lah Hamid; saat kau tidak punya siapa-siapa selain Allah, Allah itu sudah lebih dari cukup."
-Di bawah Lindungan Kaabah, Hamka-

Ada cerita kita tentang ayat ini. Ada penyelesaian yang kau bagi, yang aku pegang sampai sekarang, yang kesannya begitu mendalam, tentang rasa sepertinya ini.

"Dalam sujud terakhir itu, bicaralah dengan Allah. Menangis jika perlu. Serius berkesan." Familiar?
Sven Medyona said…
thanks :')

semakin kurang melakukan itu, sekarang diingatkan seorang teman.

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