High Definition


I'm not sure if I should be telling this, or be keeping it as my sacred, little secret. But since it struggles to be told, and I have extra free time, I guess- I should just share it. For the benefits of others (inshaAllah).

High Definition

I have been watching quite a number of movies, these days. And most have these beautiful details and precisions and stuff. Every drop of water, every section of skin and every strand of clothes were carefully filmed by the producers and alas; mighty, effective cinematics produced. I often found myself amazed by these people's works, I mean, the directors and visual staffs. Such commitment in bringing the best visual quality for the audience to enjoy really gives me the inspiration to be someone, somewhat involved in making film (hopefully). Yeah, that my another un-realized ambition lad and gents.

But then, as I watched more and even more--and yet still--am getting inspired, I began to see the One who really deserves the thank. I did this, sort of experiment. I rolled a film, and closed my eyes whilst it rolled. I tried to enjoy the HD of the movie, but then-you guessed it-I ain't see nothing but blackness. Pitch black darkness. It is here, I officially, had my epiphany.

What if these eyes are not in position as they should be? What if they are gouged out and what if, suddenly they shut down? Would I be able to see? Hell I couldn't even read my own name! So subsequently, I started my day with this new vision. I began to look deeply into things; water dripping, hair flipping in the ever moving air, keyboards and their boring squarely look, cracked cement and all. 

And right after, everything turned into a high definition movie. Bu'yeah, life is far better than movie. Thanks, God. And here is a verse, relating to this:


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